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Could you tell me what you think of my filmmaking university application?

When thinking about what I would love to do in my future career and more generally in my future life, studying how to partecipate in and create a movie was a really inviting and exciting option. My passion for this subject has finally became more than just a passion, and it now also represents the aspiration of expressing myself through this world and of making something worth watching, both visually and psychologically. 
I could not say if a movie or an actor in particular made me realize this but I am sure it was all the movies, series and acting I watched over the years to enhance my love and opinion of the film industry and behind-the-scenes. I am extremely interested in the psychology of a movie and of its characters when these are unusual and full of possible insights. It's really fascinating when someone watches a movie and afterwards they're struck by something in particular they can't quite identify. This, I want to be able to do.
Cinema is to me a really powerful source and medium of unity and empathy, it also have the means to transport the viewers in other worlds that are otherwise just imaginable. Movies can be wonderful creations that gives insights on the ideas and opinions of the director and actors, but also of their feelings and abilities to form and interpret a circumstance or a situation in a personal and striking way.

This course is fitting with my interests and I would enjoy going into the practical making of a movie, understanding more of this vast field and being able to develop skills and critical and creative thinking and evaluating of a topic in a way that is necessary and useful to create one myself.

I've been told I am a quick learner, unusually motivated in what I feel interested in and above that a patient and good listener able to put into practice what is explained. This course will be useful for me in particular to learn about all the technical, creative and imaginative aspects behind the making of a film so to be prepared for a future successful and fulfilling career in something I feel strongly engaging and important.

To have a complete picture of this world, once university is over I would really much like to undertake an acting course and discover all my abilities not just as a filmmaker but also as a performer.
I can't wait to have some work experience in a specialized studio or stage while studying, to find myself face to face with the reality of the world of work and test my limits and my acquired talent and experience.