Student Discussion

Full Version: Which University???????
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Basically, I've had conditional offers made from all five choices of universities:
Brunel- Sociology
Leicester- Sociology
Coventry- Sociology
Derby- Creative Writing with Sociology
Northampton- Creative Writing with Sociology
and all of these universities would require me to live away from home (I'm from Yorkshire) Cool

The problem is I really don't know which ones to go for as my firm and insurance offers :S
On one hand Brunel is in London, and I can imagine that student life would be amazing, but Leicester has a good reputation for sociology (apparently)- Coventry is cool too, cause I know a few people that have applied there too and the city itself doesnt seem that bad either... I met some of the lecturers at Derby and they were really nice, but I didnt like the campus :/ and Northampton- well I'm not sure about that either.

I could really appreciate the advice- thanks! x
To be honest you should go where you feel most comfortable and where you like the look of. Most courses are very similar in content and at the end of the day you'll come away with a degree. You'll have a fantastic time wherever you go though.
You study any University. But basically students are think about career and practical mind. You choice University, which are give a good study and knowledge about subject and out side knowledge and show up world. Then after study you adjust your practical life and good settle after study and build your career. So study is not only importance, importance is what they get and what you use after study.