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My name is Katya and I'm a Bulgarian student. Got already four conditional offers from Liverpool, Hull, Swansea and Portsmouth and one unsuccessful from Edinburgh. Liverpool is my firm choice. Smile I hope if this example help you build your own unique PS.

From an early age, Law has always been number one priority in my vision of the future. Probably because of my father's profession (he is Head of the Regional Criminal Police), I have always been intrigued by Criminology and the idea of analyzing and solving tangled cases. To be a Private Investigator was one of my dreams for a long time. On the other hand, I am completely aware that the world of criminology is full of risks, sleepless nights and health hazards. That is the reason why I see Business Law not only as a chance for prosperity, but also of a life devoid of fears and restlessness. I am confident that the combination of business and legal studies would enable me to show the best of my intellectual capacity and prosper in a competitive commercial environment. Having obtained a degree in Business Law, I will be able to enjoy a successful career in any of the following spheres: banking and finance, accountancy, local and central government, business and commerce, the police and prison services etc.
In primary school, Mathematics, Literature and English were always my favourites. Analytical thinking and problem-solving kept me active and entertained. Later, at high school, Informatics was my core subject, while my undoubted favorites were Philosophy, Ethics and Law and Psychology. Thus, along with my Mathematics classes (over 200 per year) and Informatics, my interest in reading Law at university grew significantly. Last year, my Geography teacher announced that 25 high school students will have the opportunity to go to Strasbourg, visit the European Parliament and take part in the Euroscola project. Being interested in the European institutions, I promised myself to be one of those who get to be there. To achieve that, I had to take exams in English and European integration. Not only did I take them, but I ranked 5th among the best 25 students (and 1st of all girls). Winning that competition gave me more than just a visit at the European Parliament: I improved my social and teamwork skills, presented in front of a big audience and enhanced my enthusiasm to work in the sphere of Law. Now, I am hoping to win a competition which will allow me to visit the Science Parliament in Aachen in March 2010.
Thanks to my participation in the international Comenius Project "From Sky To Tap" I enjoyed an unforgettable trip to Sicily and developed my communication skills significantly. Later on I took an apprenticeship at the City Hall, and for a week I acted as a personal interpreter to councilors from Liverpool and Indonesia.
A number of extracurricular activities have helped me develop important skills: I can proudly say that my 7-year, successfully accomplished piano education, contributed greatly to the development of my auditory memory and helped me improve my confidence in front of a big audience. My long standing tennis practice is the basis of my competitive spirit. Sport taught me concentration and determination to win. I hope to continue with my favourite sport, thus keeping fit and healthy, doing something I enjoy and competing for my university.
I choose the UK as my study destination because British universities are renowned for their well-balanced academic programmes which offer opportunities for professional development through teamwork and participation in research projects. I will have the chance to prove that I am capable of understanding and mastering complex information and learn to express myself and write with the proper confidence in English. Working hard on my assignments and meeting deadlines will prepare me for the real world of Business. A degree course at a British university will allow me to live for a few years in a country of rich cultural traditions and will also enhance my career opportunities in the future.
I would only add that getting into Michigan was a BIG surprise, on account of my sub par GPA (and based on my long list of rejections at other schools), and so I'd like to add one other thing that potential law students reading this blog could take away from my experience:
If you're applying to a Tier 1 law school with, let's say, no better than a 3.08 GPA, then try to put yourself in a post-graduate situation that you can't find at a job recruitment fair. When you eventually settle into a situation (whether it be transient or in a static location), work as hard as you can at it. CRUSH it. Even if 'it' means busting tables in a restaurant overseas, a crushed 'It' will give you character, and make great fodder for an interesting story when you decide to apply for school, or a job. I definitely couldn't have hoped for as much (in terms of getting into a school) three years ago
I took an apprenticeship at the Hôtel de Ville, and for a week, I have acted as advisors to personal interpreter to Liverpool and Indonesia.
My name is Katya and I'm a Bulgarian student. Got already four conditional offers from Liverpool, Hull, Swansea and Portsmouth and one unsuccessful from Edinburgh. Liverpool is my firm choice. Smile I hope if this example help you build your own unique PS.
criminology? i think it's good choise.